Well, that’s plans for this weekend sorted then. 🙂 – Stella and I are booked in on a Gold Level – Ride Forever course, a motorcycle training course.

These are heavily subsidised by ACC (funded from the extortionate motorcycle registration charges they apply). – They were very kind and provided us with two vouchers to cover the nominal $50 per person charge normally applied for the course. This is an 8 hour, day long session with a small group, probably worth something like $350+ / person.


Given that they offer these courses out to anyone and everyone who wants to book in to them, I see this as a fantastic opportunity to brush up on some riding skills.

Thanks ACC.

It was a great day, we all learnt new things along the way.

Here’s the group shot.

Thanks to John, our instructor who went well above and beyond. – We had a problem with some leaking coolant on Stel’s bike and we weren’t sure whether it was oil or coolant so John checked it out for us… Then when practicing some slow manoeuvres I lowered my bike towards the floor (didn’t drop it – honest!), and John helped me to pick it back up. 🙂

Here’s a video of the trip back towards home from Warkworth, I had Mark from the group with me.